🔌Pusher (Soketi)

Documentation for utilizing Stelo's Pusher service

Real-time pub/sub is achieved on Stelo via Pusher (actually Soketi, but as far as you the consumer is concerned, it's Pusher). Currently, the only information that can be listened to are transactions incoming to a wallet.

Client Configuration

Below are the needed configuration settings to connect to the Pusher service.




App Key


Authentication and Authorization

Private channel connections are handled via the https://api.stelo.finance/pusher/auth route. Refer to your client libraries documentation on how and where to configure this. Authorized requests to this route must be made via user or wallet Auth. Refer to your client libraries documentation on how to set the request's Authorization header or cookies.

Private Channels


the private-wallet channel space allows you to listen to events on a specific wallet.



Replace {wallet_id} with your exact wallet id, for example: private-wallet@835449971682869250


Your session's wallet_id must match the one being used in Authentication and Authorization


Event data is sent in JSON encoding.


Transaction events originate from wallets

All incoming transactions to the wallet. By the time the event is received the items are already confirmed in the wallet.

Event name: transaction:incoming

    "assets": {
        "asset_name": 247 // quantity, as 64 bit integer
    "memo": "I'm the memo sent, optionally null",
    "sender": 835451685078564864 // id of the wallet sender

Last updated