💰Wallet Routes

Documentation for the Stelo Finance wallet routes

The /wallet routes are used for retrieving/updating any information pertaining to your currently active wallet.

General Wallet Routes

All General Wallet Routes utilize the wallet auth, please refer to Auth to learn more.

Get assets in wallet

GET https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/assets

Get a list of all the assets in your active wallet.

    "asset": {
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "value": 0
    "quantity": 0

Create a transaction

POST https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/transactions

Send one or more assets to another wallet.

Request Body

G000: Invalid JSON Body
I001: Invalid Asset

Get transactions

GET https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/transactions

Get a list of all the assets in your active wallet.

Query Parameters

    "id": 0,
    "sending_wallet_id": 0,
    "receiving_wallet_id": 0,
    "sending_wallet_address": "string",
    "receiving_wallet_address": "string",
    "sending_username": "string", // optional
    "receiving_username": "string", //optional
    "created_at": "2022-11-26T19:31:09.602Z",
    "memo": "string",
    "assets": [
        "quantity": 0,
        "asset": {
          "id": 0,
          "name": "string",
          "value": 0

Handling assigned users

All Handling assigned users routes utilize the user auth, please refer to Auth to learn more.

Assign user to wallet

POST https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/users

Assign a user read/write permissions to your active wallet (note, you must be the owner, if your active wallet isn't owned by you you'll get a 400).

Request Body

G000: Invalid JSON Body
U003: User Not Found
W003: User Already Assigned To Wallet

Remove user from wallet

DELETE https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/users/{userid}

Remove a user's access to one of your owned wallets.

Path Parameters

Get assigned users

GET https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/users

Get a list of users assigned to your active wallet.

    "id": 0,
    "username": "string"

Transfer wallet ownership

PUT https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/owner

Assign a new user as the owner of your active wallet. Note, the user must be first assigned to the wallet.

Request Body

G000: Invalid JSON Body
W007: User Not Assigned

Handling wallet sessions

All Handling wallet sessions routes utilize the user auth. Please refer to Auth to learn more.

Create wallet session

POST https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/sessions

Create a wallet session. You'll be returned a key that third parties or apps can use to gain read/write access, similar to assigning a user, but only this key is needed for access.

Request Body

G000: Invalid JSON Body

Get wallet sessions

GET https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/sessions

Get a list of open wallet sessions on your active wallet.

    "id": 0,
    "wallet_id": 0,
    "name": "string"

Delete a wallet session

DELETE https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/sessions/{sessionid}

Delete a wallet session, revoking the ability for it to be refreshed.

Path Parameters

Delete wallet sessions

DELETE https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/sessions

Delete all wallet sessions


The Webhooks routes use user auth. Please refer to Auth to learn more.

Set wallet webhook

PUT https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/webhook

Put a webhook on your active wallet. Refer to Webhooks to understand this functionality.

Request Body

Remove webhook from wallet

DELETE https://api.stelo.finance/wallet/webhook

Removes whatever webhook is currently set on the active wallet.

Delete Wallet

The Delete Wallet route uses user auth. Please refer to Auth to learn more.

Delete active wallet

DELETE https://api.stelo.finance/wallet

Deletes the active wallet, transfers all its content to your primary wallet and changes your active wallet to your primary wallet. (Can only be done by wallet owner)

Last updated