Zero to First Transaction

Tutorial taking you through the API, from zero to your first transaction.

So, you're getting started developing on Stelo? Welcome to the most basic tutorial! For this tutorial, it is assumed you are relatively familiar with the concept of REST APIs, and interacting with them. If you aren't, I recommend getting started with this video that introduces the concept of them, and a quick tutorial on making one in JavaScript.

Step 1: Making your account

First, to do just about anything on the Stelo API, you'll need an account. Head over to Users Routes and create an account by following the Create User route.

Step 2: Logging in

Hopefully, you remember your password from step 1, because now you'll be using it! Back in Users Routes, follow the Create user session route documentation to get signed in. You can either get a cookie, or pass "return_token": true inside the JSON body to get the token returned in the JSON response. If you do opt for the token, you can authentication on future requests by including it inside the Authorization header.

Step 3: Checking your assets

In order to send a transaction, you'll need assets in your wallet. Now, you can have multiple wallets, but by default, your primary wallet will be an auto-generated one that was made for you when your account was created. So, let's check if it has any assets (it probably won't by default), go to the Wallet Routes and follow the Get assets in wallet route documentation to retrieve a list of assets in your active wallet. If you have assets great! We can proceed to step 4, if not, then see if someone wants to send you a little something so you can get started.

Step 4: Sending your first transaction

Now that you have assets in your wallet, it's time to send your first transaction! Head over to Wallet Routes and follow the Create a transaction route documentation to send your very first transaction!

Last updated